Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fresh patents Functioned for the Wise shelf technologies Found in Amazon Go stores

Sensors are made to the shelves at Amazon Go shops. (GeekWire Photo / Nat Levy) Amazon has opened a third Seattle place which makes use of its own cashierless Amazon Go grocery concept — and it’s just received the latest patent for technologies which make the concept work. Now the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office released the patent to get shelves with integrated electronics, including the on-the-shelf weight detectors which are part of the inventory tracking system in Amazon Go shops. “Smart shelves” have been the subject of additional Amazon patent applications, such as a patent awarded in June that’s similar to the one printed today. Both applications were filed three years ago. The patents suggest that when the software were written, the machine was created for inventory management in storage facilities like Amazon’s satisfaction facilities. The applications also cover use of this technology in consumer retail facilities, however. Amazon’s Seattle-based group of inventors, such as chief engineer Ben Gyori, envisioned a”modular thing stowage platform” that could be wired up with weight detectors, detectors, temperature sensors and other screens to track the status of inventory. There might be radio systems to track RFID tags also. Thus far, Amazon has not chosen to use RFID technology in its own checkout-free shops. Instead, the Amazon Go stores use weight detectors in addition to QR codes, movie cameras and computer vision methods to keep tabs on what consumers pick up and carry out the doorway. The patented method also incorporates spring-loaded plates or”sleds” to push merchandise towards the front part of the shelf as objects are taken, and distances under the container surface to protect the electronics and capture spills. From the applications, the inventors discuss the way the smart shelves can be programmed to flash lights or sound audible alarms to guide inventory workers to the items they’re searching for. Those workers could wear machine-readable tags that would make it simpler for a computerized inventory system to keep tabs on the flow of goods throughout the fulfillment centre. Alternatively, they could carry the kinds of positional sensors you may see in a smartphone, like accelerometers and magnetometers. Amazon generally does not comment in detail regarding the patents they hold, but we have achieved to the company and will discuss anything we pick up. So to speak. A diagram demonstrates the patented electronics-equipped cabinets do the job. (Amazon Illustration through USPTO)

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