Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jeff Bezos finally woos Warren Buffett to partner with Amazon

it is a difficult admission on the part of Warren Buffet to admit that he missed Amazon as an investment for a very long time.

The recent partnership between Berkshire Hathaway,  J.P. Morgan Chase and Amazon may be the absolute chance for Buffet to make the right choice.

Instant Pickup, the newest fulfillment service from online retail behemoth Amazon has just launched.  Taking efficiency a notch higher, Prime members ordering online will be able to grab items in a record two minutes or less. This service debuts at five staffed pickup locations near U.S. college campuses.

To deliver on the two-minute timeline, Amazon has limited the selection of items that can be fulfilled that fast. From the news release introducing the new service eligible items include personal care products, electronics accessories, devices such as the Echo Dot and Fire TV, drinks and snacks.

Amazon currently runs 22 college pickup locations nationwide but will from today roll-out the Instant Pickup service in five; College Park, Md. (University of Maryland), Los Angeles (UCLA), Columbus, Ohio (Ohio State), Berkeley, Calif. (UC Berkeley) and Atlanta (Georgia Tech). The company says that the momentum will be sustained as more locations will be unveiling the service in the months ahead.

Amazon has varied programs in fast fulfillment and in-store retail, for example it offers a 15-minute pickup for Prime members at an extra $15/month to enjoy the Amazon Prime Fresh Add-on service. This is available at its two Seattle AmazonFresh Pickup locations.

Other variations include Amazon Lockers pickup sites and Prime Now delivery program. All these options give customers leverage on how fast and in what way they want to get their purchased items. Instant Pickup is the newest trial by the company to increase appeal in fast fulfillment and solidify loyalty.

Guide: According to Amazon the procedure for Instant Pickup is pretty swift since all locations offering the service will always have what they call ‘curated inventory’ on-site. This will prevent out-of-stock situations and provide super-fast fulfillment for customers using the service. While shopping, Prime members will be able to see the select items that are eligible for Instant Pickup. When they click “Buy Now” a notification is triggered to an associate who puts the purchased item(s) in a locker. The customer will then receive a unique barcode. Scanning this barcode will open the locker giving the customer access to the order inside the locker in two minutes or less.

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